Hannah Betts: Success Is Just Getting Over One Obstacle After Another
Hannah Betts is an award winning competitive skydiver and Hollywood stunt performer in movies like Captain Marvel, The Hunger Games, Jurassic World, and many more.
From living in a trailer with no bathroom while working as a police officer to being blindfolded inside a Prius submerged in a lake, Hannah’s unique experiences throughout her life have taught her so much about herself.
In this episode we chat about:
- How Hannah’s competitive skydiving unknowingly prepared her for her work as a stunt performer
- The importance of separating the body from the mind in her work
- What she learned about herself during her time as a competitive skydiver
- Why she lived on the drop zone in a trailer without a bathroom
- How she broke into the Hollywood stunt scene
- Her desire to just be herself
- Not being able to control things and why it’s not worth spending so much energy trying to control things you can’t control
- Lessons learned from becoming a stunt performer