Will English IV: I’m Gonna Be Myself No Matter What
“I told her very early in the relationship, do you want to come down to Mexico with me? I’m thinking about, you know, going down for a while. She didn’t think I was going to do it. Because she said, there are a lot of people that say they want to do it, and then they don’t think about doing it ever again. And I’m like, no, I was serious. I just thought you were gonna break up with me because you thought I was crazy or whatever. And then we went down. And so like, I feel like in that regard, I lucked out. But I also think part of that was just, I made no apologies. My new strategy after that last, previous relationship was just like, look, I’m gonna be myself no matter what. I’m just gonna put it out there, I’m not gonna play any, I’m not gonna do any tricks. I’m not going to do all this, like, here’s the best version of myself on date one, and then date two, here’s all the ugly bits or whatever. It’s like, I’m just gonna roll with it and see what happens.”
– Will English IV
Will English IV is somebody who is intentionally building the life he wants to live. He’s constantly looking to learn and grow, and expand his skillsets.
At least, that’s how I would describe Will.
When I asked Will how he would answer the question “who are you”, we chatted about the impact his grandmother had on his life, how his definition of success has shifted from being the first person in the office to being able to go to Cubs day games with season tickets, and his desire to break away from the prescribed life.