Jeff Harry: Follow The Whisper Of Your Curiosity

Sure, Jeff Harry may have tried to unionize the flagship Toys R Us store in Times Square after stuffing a Jerry Maguire style manifesto in everyone’s mailbox.

Jeff is passionate about toys and play. He’s been yearning to work for a toy company since the fifth grade, when he began writing letters to toy companies begging them to hire him.

But he could never have guessed how he’d feel when he finally achieved his dream job at Toys R Us.

Until he followed the whisper of his curiosity.

In this episode, Jeff Harry and I discuss:

  • How the movie Big started it all for Jeff
  • The importance of following your curiosity
  • The letter Jeff wrote to Toys R Us that landed him an interview for his dream job
  • His manifesto trying to unionize the flagship Toys R Us store in Times Square
  • How his mom and dad inspired him to always push for what he wanted
  • The concept of red thread work and finding what motivates you each day
  • What Jeff calls affluent deadness and how he’s trying to eradicate it

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